Monday, April 2, 2012

An open letter to my boyfrined

I wrote this last night while I was waiting for Mr. Fernandez
because he is claiming his presidency somewhere. 
This letter is for him and I would like to share this to everyone
so you will all be a witness of how wonderful our relationship
is through good and bad. I made this public not because I want
others to envy us, I made this public for everyone to know how much we
value each other and be an inspiration to other couple whose
having those rainy days. Relationships are never perfect and that's 
what makes it perfect. Here it goes 


      Heyhey! I know it's kinda late but HAPPY 20th MONTH BABY! geez. We've gone so far and I know we will keep on getting farther. There are a lot of things I want to tell you, and I will start it with Thank you. This past twenty months of being with you is the greatest twenty months of my entire life. I have learned a lot of things from you and I will continue to learn as we go on. Thank you for this twenty months of happiness. Even though we fight sometimes, I am still happy. You know I'd rather fight with you all day than be in love with someone else. You are the greatest part of me and I can no longer imagine life without you. Thank you for being so patient, I know it may get rough sometimes but you are just incredible, you always get through with it. Thank you for being there when I need you, It's nice to know, that there is somewhere I could go when I'm all beaten up by life. I fear nothing else (except God) because I know, whatever happens to me, you will always be there to pick me up. Thank you for the unconditional love, for accepting me despite of my flaws and unperfectness, for bringing out the best in me and seeing the good in me. Thank you for the trust that you have put in me. I have made mistakes that I wholeheartedly regret but the trust you give me is so strong that all those mistakes doesn't matter and because of that, it makes me love you even more. I wont put my sorries in here because I want this letter to be happy and not bring back those things that doesn't really matter. I love you baby, with all of my heart and you deserve all the best in me. You are the most perfect thing in my life and I will continue to value you the best way that I can. As long as we're together, we're unbreakable. I hope that our relationship will grow even more stronger everyday and with God's guidance and let us keep him as the center of it. I love you, always have, forever will.       

  Stretchy :D

there. I know old people will be like 'that's just puppy love' or 
'she doesn't even know what she's talking about'. I don't care
alright ? I don't mean to disrespect but I believe we also
deserve some respect. My teacher once told me that If you've got 
nothing good to say, you might as well keep it to yourself.
Thank you ! :)

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